In 2000, I started my personal growth journey by going to therapy. In true overly optimistic Deb style, I thought I would be “fixed” within six month and on the road to my great new life. Little did I know that taking that first step would set me into a life-long journey of personal growth and discovery.

Of course, change work is never a straight line from our current “here” to our desired “there.” I had lots of baggage to unpack and examine. To the outside world, my life looked pretty good: loving family, long term relationship, successful career, lots of friends, condo in the city, well-traveled, plenty of money. But that was just a mask to the outside world — and to me.

I started to get really honest with myself and look at my life. When I took my mask off, I was a wounded soul. I was tired, I was hurt, and I really did not love myself very much.

I felt stuck on a familiar path. Stuck in a place where I didn’t want to be. I felt unhappy, but it was still somehow better than the unknown journey I was about to take in therapy. The voice in my head was telling me “life is pretty good, it could be worse, don’t change, stay the same.”

Playing Small

While I knew life could be worse, I also thought it could be better. Staying the same wasn’t working for me, staying the same meant playing small. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I just kept showing up for my weekly therapy appointments.

It takes real courage to show up and face the truth. We all get busy in the routine of things, we all have tried to change things, but it seems to never stay changed, so we settle and it becomes the norm. The norm becomes our comfort zone and we talk ourselves into we are okay.

Choosing Big

Stepping out of my small suit doesn’t mean buying bigger clothes. It means challenging my unconscious self to explore my hidden beliefs that hold me back from living my best life.

So now I make conscious decisions about my life: I choose happiness and I choose to play big. I face my fears when they show up and use my courage to work through any of life’s challenges. Whenever I feel “off” or feel I’m being judged or giving away my power, I unzip my small suit and step out into my Divine Power.

I encourage you to play big. Step out of your small suit and create a bigger life for yourself.