You may have heard about these activities to help center yourself and bring a deeper peace. Although there is science behind them, Deb makes them practical and approachable; and helps you understand how these activities can help you create and live your new normal.

Meditation is now mainstream… it’s a mind and body practice that utilizes concentration, reflection and mental flexibility to relax the body and calm the mind. Deb helps you use meditation to prepare yourself for deeper understanding and acceptance.


So what’s Journaling? It is writing, to help you prioritize, clarify your thinking, and accomplish what’s most important to you; rather than focus on the negative or simply busy work. It’s reflective writing that helps you improve decision-making and critical thinking; plus it serves as a record of the progress you’ve made toward your goals. Ultimately, what you write is what you can control.


Can you see yourself at peace, with stronger relationships at work and at home; trusting others? If so, that’s the start of Visualization. Scientists believe that we may experience real-world and imaginary actions in similar ways. Deb will help you discover how you can visualize and realize your new normal.

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