Deb Benning helps people find their “new normal” during or after a health crisis, life change, or career move. Through workshop exercises, guided meditation, journaling, and visualization, Deb brings people to a place of self-care to help them thrive during life’s challenges.


To help people live their best life by connecting to their own inner wisdom.


A world where self-love is our number one priority.


To light the world and guide people away from their darkness with love, courage, and passion.

My Story

In July 2010, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. To say it was a shock would be an understatement. It turned my entire world upside down. I was a newlywed, I was happy and cancer was nowhere in my plan.

My diagnosis went from “small and curable” to a very complicated case. I found myself slipping into a very dark place.

I kept wanting to feel like me again, to be the same. But what I came to realize was that I may never feel the same physically and certainly would never feel the same emotionally. As soon as I accepted my “new normal” the light went back on in my life. I set a goal to walk to the park a few blocks from my house.

If it’s been said that a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, those first steps to the park started an incredible journey of a million miles! It was probably one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done, but I see now that it was a journey to my purpose.

Every day, I asked God, “What do I need to know today?”

I started writing down the first answer that would come to me. Sometimes it was about me, sometimes about someone close to me. But always, it provided the way to understand and accept that my old life was gone and this was my “new normal”.

That’s when I found my purpose:

To light the world and guide people away from their darkness. To teach, heal, and create with love, courage, and passion.

Enough about me. Let’s talk about you.

When facing adversity, whether a health scare, career crisis, or major life change, it’s easy to become paralyzed with fear and uncertainty. And all you want is to get to the other side of what can seem like an insurmountable bridge to feeling strong again, physically and mentally.

I know. I’ve been there. Let’s talk.

Why Pink? Why a Bridge?

After being diagnosed with cancer in 2010, Deb Benning began a long journey to her “new normal” where she discovered a purpose beyond what she expected. Early on it became clear to Deb that while many people experience tragedy, few understood how to navigate the darkness and despair to rebuild, to grow, to find their new best life.

”My initial goal was to heal myself physically and spiritually, to find my voice; you might call it my bridge to enlightenment, courage and purpose. What I discovered was a purpose much greater than my personal journey; it was to guide others to their own enlightenment, away from the darkness; to teach, heal, and create with love, courage and passion.”

The idea of the bridge to enlightenment stuck with Deb. And the color Pink was an easy choice. Pink is the color of unconditional love and nurturing. Even though it’s also synonymous with breast cancer awareness, Pink has a calming effect on people, suggesting safety and even vulnerability. Plus, Pink is Deb’s favorite color! Coincidence? Probably not.

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